Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jessica Phillips
April 18, 2013
His 102-03
Blog Assignment #5
Modern World under globalization of weapons of mass destruction, Economics, drug cartels.
Globalization is the process that promotes world-wide exchanges of national and cultural resources. There are many advances that the United States went through thought out history; like transportation, communications with phones and computers, and interdependence of economic and culture activities. Economic globalization is the growing economic interdependence of national economies across the world through a fast increase in the movement of goods, service, technology and capital through different countries. The improvement in the United States economics and technology is a big step forward. If it was for this movement all of us would still be getting pay under minimum wage and using a home phone. This new technology has made the world a new and advanced place for us to live in. I’m sure by 2040 there will be a lot more advances that even we want get to experience. I’m glad that we have all this new technology that can help many people’s lives.
Many weapons of Mass Destruction can kill millions of people in a very short time. When a person talks about these sorts of weapons they are referring to weapons that are nuclear, biological, or chemical. Just the thought that your country has that much power is a very scary thing. It’s like if the government got a little mad at someone, they would just use one of those weapons and kill a lot of people. On the other hand it is peaceful knowing that we have the kind of weapons to defend our self’s from our enemies in other countries. The fact that now other countries have these sorts of weapons is freighting too many Americans, because at any time a foreign person could easily use it against us.  I personally don’t like knowing that I could possibility die any section because a foreign country got mad at us for something.
Modern world under globalization of drug cartels is a scary thought in many Americans minds. There are so much that goes on in the United States that no one knows of or that no one pays attention to. We have people selling weapons, women, children, and drugs “underground” and their getting away with it because each and every day they are learning new and improved tricks to keep themselves hidden. Yes many drug lords have been busted and put in jail, but there are still many out there that the police haven’t caught yet. These drug lords do not stop for nothing until they get what they want. I am scared to even think about all the innocent women and children that are sold between people and used like their nothing. I hope that one day all these horrible people are caught and go to jail where they belong.